Migiziwazison (mih-GEE-zee WAH-zih-son) translates from Anishinaabemowin (the Ojibwe language) to English as “Eagle Nest.”
We chose this name to honor the names of its founders: Migizi Inwe (Voice of the Eagle) and Anakwad Migizi (Cloud Eagle). These names were given to the founders by Giize Manido (the Great Spirit or the Great Mystery) via traditional Anishinaabe protocols. Anakwad Migizi is of Anishinaabe descent, and her partner, Migizi Inwe, received his name from her People.
Upon the homelands of the Dakota and Anishinaaabe Peoples, we have secured a place for all the plant and animal relative to flourish for the next seven generations. Our primary purpose is to restore land used for extractive purposes (agriculture, logging, mining), with an eye to the challenges of climate change.
Simultaneously, we are partnering with scientists and those with Indigenous knowledge to develop sustainable living practices that can be replicated elsewhere.
Additionally, we are committed to supporting those with extraordinary artistic gifts based that utilize and promote connection and respect for the planet upon which we all depend.
Overall, we seek to foster connections between peoples of diverse backgrounds, core knowledge, cultures and spiritual practices with the goal of providing a sense of community and grassroots support for one another.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization able to take tax-deductible donations and serve as a fiscal agent for organizations or programs that fit our mission. But we do not spend our time raising funds. We are more interested in trying out new ideas, bringing back old traditions, and ensuring that the impacts of these efforts can be studied and refined for many decades to come.